Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Most Exotic Foods in the Philippines

Philippines Exotic Foods
If you visit Philippines, you shouldn't missed to taste their popular exotic foods and cuisines.

Here the TOP 10 of  the exotic foods that you might try when you are visiting Philippines.

10. Snake
This is one of the exotic food in the Philippines. But, now, not just in the Philippines but also in some other parts of the world they make snake as one of their source of food. In some other Asian countries,  like Korea and Japan, they make beverages and wines from snakes. Some easy ways to cook snake is by fried and grilling.

9. Dinuguan
Dinuguan, came from a Filipino word "dugo" which means, "Blood". In English, is called Pork Blood Stew or Blood Pudding Stew. Is is made either from pork or chicken meat. Dinuguan is served with rice and the famous Philippine Rice Cake or "Puto".

8. Kinilaw/Kilawin
A Philippine dish made with raw fish or meat or sometimes shrimp that's marinated in vinegar, pepper, chili, onions, calamansi juice and garlic. It served in fresh, without cooking. It is also known as "jumping salad" because it sometimes made of live shrimps. 

7. Bats
Another exotic foods that can be eaten in Philippines is the Paniki or fruit Bat, found in different mountains in Philippines. Removing its soft hairs before cooking it in different species such as coconut milk, herbs, and pepper.

6. Grasshopper
Grasshopper can be an appetizer and also dessert. In Philippines, the common way to cooked it is fried. But, their are some people who are making it into a special dish or even a cakes. But, before making one, you should have asked for help and instructions to some professionals.

5. Street Foods
In Philippines Street Foods, they are consists of easy to prepare and eat foods in low price. Some find it dirty but this is one of the favorite foods in almost different parts of the Philippines. In Street foods it includes the Adidas (Chicken feet), Betamax (Dried Chicken Blood), Chicken Skin, Fishballs/Squidballs, Iwi or Pwet ng Manok (fried chicken ass).

4. Wood Worms
It is known as the Tamilok in Filipino words. It can be found in bakawan or other mangroves by the bayside. The very best way to eat Tamilok is when it is raw or alive. Some other people cooked Wood Worm or Tamilok in special dish.

3. Frogs
In Philippines, frogs can be cooked in different ways such as Sisig, Adobo, soup or fried. But, take note, not all frogs can be cooked because some of them are extremely dangerous and poisonous. In some restaurants, they served frogs as one of their main dish and also their are restaurants in the Philippines that only serves frogs.

2. Crickets
Is one the Kapampangan cuisime made in the Philippines which the main ingredients is Kamaru or the Mole Crickets. THey are usually found in rice fields. You can make different dishes with it like adobong kamaru, sizzling sisig, and fried. These insects are rich in protein and vitamin B.

1. Balot
Is the very popular and most famous exotic food in Philippines. It is a duck's egg which boiled alive. It is pair with salt or chili, garlic and vinegar. Some other chiefs find ways to enjoy balot in different ways. There are ice cream, cakes and special dishes made from balot. This is one of the favorite food not only with the  Filipino people but other foreigners founds it delicious.

There are still more Philippines Exotic foods out there, well its up to you to explore and discover.. :)


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