Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Top 10 Most Searched Books


Love reading books? Maybe you also searched one of this popular and best-selling books. 
Here is the list of the most searched books in the internet this July 2013.

10. Divergent
A novel written by an American author Veronica Roth. She got the idea in writing the novel when she was studying in college.  On May 22, 2011, the novel debuted No.6, in New York Times Children's Chaprter Books Best Seller. It also won the Favorite Book of 2011 in Goodreads Choice Awards, No.1 in Teen's Top Ten Vote and won the Sakura Medal Contest. The novel was purchased by Summit Entertainment and this May 2013, they were on process making the movie with the same title.

9. Psalms
A Hebrew Bible also called the Book of Psalms. Its 150 poems "express virtually the full range of Israel's religious faith". In Greek, the word "psalms" is originally means "music of the lyre" or "songs sung to a harp". So, the common ways of the Jewish and Christian worshiping the Psalms is by singing and chanting, which is called "Psalmody".

8. Quran
The holy book of Muslims means "the recitation", which the Muslims believed "to be revelation from God" (Allah). They also believed that the Quran is the most important miracle of their prophet, Muhammad and said to be verbally revealed from Angel Gabriel. Quran is described itself as a book of guidance and only recited only in Arabic.

7. The Great Gatsby

A novel written by author F. Scott Fitzgerald. It explores  the themes of decadence, idealism, resistance to change, social upheaval and excess. He was inspired to write the novel by the parties he had attended while he is in Long Island's north shore. The novel was became part of American High School curricula and considered to be a literally classic in American literature. The novel has number of film adaptations including this 2013, The Great Gatsby by Baz Luhrmann, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

6. The Lord of the Rings

Written by an English Philologist and Oxford Professor J. R. R. Tolkien. An epic fantasy novel was the second best-selling novel ever written with over 150million copies sold. The Lord of the Rings continue its popularity by inspiring many fans, music, films and video games. The novel was translated into 38 different languages.

5. Fifty Shades of Grey
Written by  the British Author E.L. James. An erotic romance novel that featuring the elements of sexual practices involving discipline, submission and masochism. It is also the topped best-seller lists around the world, including the United Kingdom and United States. It sold over 70millions of copies worldwide, surpassing the Harry Potter series. The release scheduled for its film adaption is on August1, 2014.

4. World War Z
A 2006 novel written by Max Brooks. This apocalyptic horror novel has its 2013 film adaptation of the same title directed by Marc Forster starring Brad Pitt. The World War Z was inspired by an oral history of World War II by Studs Terkel, The Good War. The audiobook version won an Audie Award in 2007. The Entertainment Weekly, Gilbert Cruz rated the novel "A".

3. The Hunger Games

Written by the American writer, Suzanne Collins. a 2008 science fiction novel, with 374 pages, that was praised from its storyline and character development, also received many and mostly positive feedbacks from reviewers and famous authors. It was published in hardcover on September 14, 2008, and sold a copies over 800,000 by February 2010. It was translated into 26 languages and also released in paperbacks and ebooks. 

2. Under the Dome 

Written by Stephen King, and published in November 2009. A science fiction novel has a limited copies of only 25,000 in Collector's Edition and only 1500 copies in Signed Edition. This editions was bind in different binding and printed in specialty paper. They developed a cable miniseries, a 13-episode based on the novel and announced on November 29, 2013.

1. The Bible 

A holy book of sacred canonical collection of text in Judaism and Christianity. The first part of the Christian Bibles is known as the Old Testament, which contains 24 books of Hebrew Bible and divided into 39 books. The second part is the New Testaments which contain 27 books including the 4 Canonical gospels, 21 Letters, Acts of the Apostles and the Book of Revelation. The Bible has estimated copies over 25million and where first printed in West that has been a great influence on literature and history.

To those who haven't read one of this books yet, try to read some, and I hope you find it interesting.


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