Monday, September 9, 2013

Most Popular MMORPG Games

Here is the Top 10 Most Popular MMPORPG Games this 2013. Check it out, you might not play it yet.

10. Spiral Knights
A retro-inspired visual style and a free-to-play 3D fantasy MMPORPG Java game. You can start your journey in the core of the Clockworks alone or together with 3 other friends.
Status: Open Beta
Theme: Fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: SEGA
Developer: Three Rings

9. Marvel Heroes
3D Action RPG games similar to Diablo and Path of Exile. Player choose from a wide variety of superheros and team up with other superheroes. Level up and you will gain access to new abilities and unlock new superheroes.
Theme: Fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: Marvel
Developer: Gazillion Entertainment

8. Tera Rising
A 3D action game based on non-targeting system, where the player have direct control over the character. The player can engage in 5 man dungeons and participate in Guild PvP. It has a political system where the whole zone allows to vote a player to become Matriarch.
Theme: Fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: EN Masse / GameForge
Developer: BlueHole Studio

7. Star Wars: The Old Republic
It is based on the popular Star Wars Universe, which include fully voice acted dialogue and choices that can affect their personal story. Players can access to class specific ship where they can travel in between planets and engage in space combat missions.
Theme: Sci-Fi
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: EA
Developer: Bioware

6. RuneScape
A popular free-to-play Browser MMPORPG, a medieval fantasy world of epic scale, geographic and historical. There is no limits to the hero player can become, all quest can be completed and you can face a player VS player of your choice. Rewards can be received to a smart and intelligent players.
Theme: Fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Platform: Browser Game
Publisher: Jagex
Developer: Jagex

5. AION: Ascension
A visually stunning 3D game where your character explore in a celestial world of beauty and adventure. It introduces new and existing players to refined starting areas and mid-level zones. You can choose between the ASMODIANs or the ELYOS to save your people from evil that threaten to destroy everything.
Theme: Fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: NCsoft, Gameforge
Developer: NCsoft

4. Eden Eternal
A 3D anime-style MMORPG from the developers of Kitsu Saga and Grand Fantasia. Player will trek across a magical realm filled with races, monsters and other villages as they uncover ancients secrets of the mysterious Soul Stone. As you unlocked some classes, you are free to switch. Help your guild to create a town in Eden, you can construct and upgrade buildings for various uses.
Status: Open Beta
Theme: fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: Aeria Games
Developer: Aeria Games

3. Planet Calypso
A 3D Sci-Fi sandbox game with real economy and social features. Playing a human colonist on an alien planet and explore an open ended virtual worlds. Developing hundred of unique skills and follow your own story. PED is the currency used where 10PED is equal to $1 (US dollar), where you can deposit and withdraw real money during your adventures.
Theme: Sci-Fi
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: Mindark
Developer: Mindark 

2. League of Legends
LOL, inspired by the classic Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients, a Riot Game mixes with strategy and group team-up. You can select your character, choose companions and featured maps. To defend your throne or based, it is a game offers with great amount of strategies and combinations.
Theme: Fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: Riot Games
Developer: Riot Games

1. Neverwinter
This is based on Dungeons and Dragons universe. You will played as a mighty hero who must protect the lands of Neverwinter from destroyers. Fight monsters, search for treasures and investigates mysterious castles. Choose your race and select from several unique classes. Creative users can access the Foundry where you can build and share adventures you created within the game. You can build dungeons, castles, cities and you can rate other player's dungeons and highlight the best player.
Theme: Fantasy
Graphics: 3D
Publisher: Perfect World Entertainment
Developer: Perfect World Entertainment 

So, care to try one?



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